Monday, June 2, 2014

Day 63. 6/1/2014.

Weight: 8lbs. 2.8oz.

Plan for the day: Final Medical Exam with Dr. M. and Going HOME

Dr. M. did your final examination after their morning rounds.  They unplugged all the leads and monitors from you and waited for Daddy and Mommy to arrive.

Your nurse also cut the security band from your ankle.

And we took pictures with your favorite nurses.  Funny how most of them were there on our last day in the NICU.  It was so very precious to have them all there.

I'll never forget the feeling when they wheeled you out of your room and we walked out towards the door.  I hugged Dr. M. and your nurses cheered for you.  It was such an emotional moment and bittersweet because I already missed them.  I know I will miss the nurses and doctors that cared for you 24/7 for 9 weeks.  My heart ached as we left, but we fulfilled our purpose there.  You graduated from the NICU and were their very very best student!

And then, my little Maverick, then our journey in the NICU ended and we started a new journey... Home.

We packed up the rest of Mommy's milk stash in the large rolling cooler and got you settled in your car seat:

Here's our "splitting this taco stand" tickets lol:

And a family plane ride selfie:

Lola, Papa and Graham greeted us at the airport and we went home to start anew.

Your big brother loves you so much, he couldn't stop kissing you.

See, life for you, my prince, has just begun...............................