Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 31. 4/30/2014.

Weight: 5lbs. 15.2oz.

Plan for the day: Rest, grow, continue ABX, and no episodes

Happy One Month, Maverick!  I can't believe you're a whole month old!  Time flies when you're so in love (this is true with your Daddy and with your big brother too!)

My little love, you've gained another 60gms and are almost six pounds.

You're on day 8 of 14 of your antibiotics.

Here you are resting this morning:

And here's a picture your Papa Allen sent of your big brother, Graham... both of our puppies sleep the same:

You had several episodes last night off your CPAP and then again this morning.  They were serious episodes so NP L. got the ok and Dr. B. ordered you back on.  I can't imagine how tired you must be and I know it takes a lot of work, so you just take all the time you need.

Dr. B. called again for the ENT specialist to come today.  Dr. T., a small, petite Chinese lady, came by.  She brought her digital scope and examined your airways and throat through your nose.  You are such a strong and brave little boy.  It was a good thing NP L. prepared Mommy for this yesterday, so it wasn't a total surprise on what Dr. T. was doing.  Dr. T. didn't see any abnormalities or irritation with your airways or your throat, and said everything looked normal.  She said there's nothing that would require surgery.  And with my next breath, I was able to exhale.

There's always times like that; times where I'm waiting to exhale.  When you have an apneic episode and brady or desat, in some ways, so do I.  When you can't breathe, I feel like I stop breathing too.  But there are times like this afternoon when I'm actually able to exhale.  So we keep breathing and take one day at a time.

Here we are at the end of another long day, holding hands while you suck on your binky:

Breathe, Maverick.  Just breathe.  I can't wait to spend the whole day with you tomorrow.  Love you forever.  XOXO.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 30. 4/29/2014.

Weight: 5lbs. 13.1oz.

Plan for the day: Rest and grow.

Good morning Maverick!  This was the beautiful view from Aunty Al's high rise in Hawaii Kai this morning:

You're up another 50 something grams!  You'll be a six pounder before we know it.  Nurse Alex said you're showing off your muscles here:

This afternoon, Chaplain Stephen came to see us again and check on us.  I don't think I told you, but he came last week for the first time on the day you had your blood transfusion.  I probably forgot to mention it because that was such a hard day.  I remember when he walked in, I was standing at your bedside.  He introduced himself and as I looked at his name badge, it seemed at that exact moment in time, he was exactly who I needed to talk to.  You'll probably experience these types of moments in your life when life gives you just what you need.  That day, he offered a kind ear and said he would keep us in his prayers.  It meant a lot.

He's a really nice and sweet man, medium height, dark skin, shaved head and glasses.  Today, he asked about your big brother too.  It always pulls at my heart strings when people ask about our whole family because this journey with you does indeed affect everyone in our family.  He said he continues to keep all of us in his prayers and hopes we will be able to go home soon.

After their morning rounds, Dr. B. and NP L. ordered you back off your CPAP.  Perhaps you were winded from the days before.  Or maybe your episodes were because your feeding tube was in your nose and not your mouth and your tongue was causing the apneic spells.  Or maybe it has something to do with your throat, so that's why they ordered the ENT consult. Whatever it may be, they are exhausting all their resources and you are under the best care here.

You were very tired today.  So I'll end the evening with the same pic from last night, only tonight's pic, we're back off the CPAP for now and we'll take it as a win for Team Garcia!  Go, Maverick, Go!  XOXO.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 29. 4/28/2014.

Weight: 5lbs. 11.1oz.

Plan for the day: Labs, rest and grow.

Mommy dropped Daddy off at the airport really early this morning, so that meant I got to come and see you really early!

Yippee, Maverick!  You gained a whole lot in the last day!  Your night nurse had to weigh you three times to make sure since it was so much!  You're up 113gs!  You could go down a little in weight tomorrow since it was so much today, but so far so good.

You had little episodes of apnea all day and we hoped it was something that could've resolved itself.  We nursed a little this afternoon and you did okay too.  Dr. B. wanted you to be prone all day (on your tummy or held upright) to see if it would help with minimizing the episodes since your tongue sometimes gets stuck to the roof of your mouth.

Here's your morning bed head, LOL!

Oh, and this is why Daddy and I keep saying we want 8 more just like you and your brother LOL!!!  Good Lord, you are amazing and make my heart explode into a million little pieces!

By the end of the day though, you must've been worn out and you were having too many episodes so NP L. ordered you back on your bubble CPAP.  Tomorrow, they'll seek a consult with an ENT (ear nose throat) doctor.

It's okay, my littlest love.  We are so proud of you and you've been doing just perfectly!  It takes time and we'll get there.  I hope you rest as well and as comfortably as you can tonight.  Can't wait to see you in the morning!  We love you!  XOXO.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 28. 4/27/2014.

Weight: 5lbs. 7oz.

Plan for the day: Eat, Sleep, Poop (repeat)!

Happy Four Weeks Maverick!  We cannot believe it's been four weeks and we are so very proud of how far you've come, son!

You've been off your CPAP for over 24 hours!  Today, you're slowly getting feedings again at 5ccs too.  You rested most of the day and are catching up on your sleep and those restless nights on your CPAP.  We nippled during one of your feedings, but you were having episodes so we need to take it slow.  It takes a lot of coordination for a premie so you just take all the time you need!

To celebrate your four week birthday, Aunty Al cooked us some delicious meatballs and gravy and she even bought our favorite treat for dessert, cocoa puffs from Liliha Bakery!  Hooray, Maverick!

Daddy has to go back to Maui early tomorrow morning to go back to work and be with Graham, but he'll be back before we know it!

Happy Four Weeks, beautiful baby boy!  We love love love you!  XOXO

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 27. 4/26/2014.

Weight: 5lbs. 6.6oz.

Plan for the day: Rest and grow.

Maverick, you are a little fatto boy!  You're up another 40gs and almost five and a half pounds!

Aunty Alison came this morning and took more photos of you!  Boy, you sure are filling in compared to the photos she took just two weeks ago!  We're glad she's also documenting your journey alongside with us!

You were off of your CPAP practically all day!  We'd celebrate every hour that would go by!

And when we left this evening, you were still off your CPAP.  You had a few episodes, but nothing major where you needed it back on.  You did have to go back in your baby condo with a closed top so you could warm up because you were a little cold.

Here the red lamps are on warming you up a bit.

Today was a good day, Maverick!  It was a good day for all of us!  Keep smiling and know that you brighten our days and we love you so!

Sleep well and rest and stay warm and cozy, puppy!  XOXO!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Day 26. 4/25/2014.

Weight: 5lbs. 5.4oz.

Plan for the day: Rest, continue ABX and grow.

Baby bunny boo, the antibiotics seems to be helping with your latest infection.  We hope it continues that way.  You've put on some grams!  You're up 120gs!

Here we are, nice and cozy in our little corner of the NICU.

We ended the evening with an amazing home cooked meal from Aunty Laurie, Uncle Wayne and Asia!  They made us kalua pork, sweet potatoes, choi sum, and rice!  It was so delicious!

We had a really rough week, but Daddy is here now and we had a good day... what a perfect way to wrap up the week and kick off the weekend!

We'll meet you back here tomorrow, Super Maverick.  Love you so.  XOXO!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day 25. 4/24/2014.

Weight: 5lbs. 1.1oz.

Plan for the day: PICC line, continue ABX and rest

Oh, Maverick!  My sweet boy!  I'm sure you woke up this morning thinking, "Man, why won't they leave me alone??"  But, today they did a procedure to put a PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) line in.  It's a form of intravenous access that can be used for a prolonged period of time.  This is so they don't have to keep poking you since your IVs don't last very long.  We'll take this as a win because they attempted this procedure twice during your first week and a half here, but your veins were too tiny or the line couldn't get through.  You did it this time, son!

Here you are, resting peacefully after your eventful morning procedure.

Last night, Mommy met Aunty Nic and Aunty Shas at a new restaurant in town called Izakaya Torae Torae.  It was yummy!  I felt very happy to be with them and needed the time with my dearest girlfriends.  It was like food for the soul.

And this evening, your Aunty Eileen came again after she finished work and brought take out from The Alley and we sat and talked and talked and talked.  I love our cafeteria dinner dates too!  We're really lucky everyone takes good care of us!

When I went back to see you, your eyes were wide open and you were so content it made my heart happy.

Then, I went to pick up your Daddy from the airport!!!  Oh, he's so excited to see you!

Oh, and look at this... before Daddy went to the airport, he took your Big brother Graham to one of his favorite places, the golf course!  When you get older, I just know we'll be spending a lot of time here! Lol.  Daddy can't wait to have both his boys on the course with him!

Good night my little love bug! Sleep tight and don't let the incubator bed bugs bite!  XOXO

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 24. 4/23/2014.

Weight: 5lbs. 2.2oz.

Plan for the day: Labs, ABX, rest and get better.

Dr. C. gave Mommy an update this morning.  You were still having episodes last night and haven't progressed since having the blood transfusion yesterday.  So, this morning, they did more tests.  They did labs and took blood, had to put a catheter in to take a urine culture, did an XRay of your belly since it was big again, and another ultrasound of your head (your third so far) to follow up on the hemorrhage in your brain they found during your first week here.  The second ultrasound showed it remained the same size.  Seems like this was our busiest morning yet.

After your blood transfusion last night, they had to switch your IV from your left hand to your right foot because the one in your hand gave out.  This morning, they had to remove the one in your foot because that one was puffy and was no good anymore either.  Because you're NPO again (Dr. C. wants to rest your belly today), Nurse Alex had to poke you again and put a new IV in for your fluids today and new antibiotics.

This afternoon, you got a repeat XRay of your chest and belly and Dr. ordered another one again for later tonight.

My sweet, sweet baby boy.  I wish I could take all the pain and pokes and sticks for you. And take away whatever it is that's troubling your well being.  You seem happiest and most peaceful in Mommy's arms, so for now, I'll continue to hold you as long as they'll let me.

I promise you, Maverick, there is a rainbow at the end of the storm.  Love you forever. XOXO.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 23. 4/22/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 14oz.

Plan for the day: Blood transfusion, rest and get better.

I talked to Dr. C. this morning and she checked your blood counts.  She said it's low and you're anemic and it could explain why you're still on the CPAP and experiencing episodes at this age.  Basically, they take so much from you and since you're a premie, your body can't make it back fast enough.  So, Dr. C. ordered a blood transfusion and stopped your feedings again.

Mommy was so very scared, to say the least.  But after talking with Daddy, Lola and your Dr., we all decided the benefits outweigh the risks and this is the best thing for you to help you get better.

It was a big morning for you.  They had to put two new IVs in - one in your left hand for the IV fluid and one in your right foot for the blood transfusion.

Later this afternoon, your new blood was ready and they started the transfusion after lunch.  They took your vitals every hour to monitor you closely.

We are hopeful this helps you on the road to getting and feeling better.  One of your nurses said you're very sensitive and Daddy thinks you take after me in that regard.  We know this isn't easy for you, Maverick, but we know that you're one tough little man and we can do this!  Rest well tonight.  We love you!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 22. 4/21/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 13oz.

Plan for the day: XRay, Rest and Grow

Mommy dropped Daddy off at the airport at 4am this morning so he could go back to work and also be with your big brother Graham.  It doesn't get any easier, but I guess I'm just getting a little more used to this.

I talked with Dr. M first thing this morning and because of the reflux issues you've been having and since you're still on your CPAP, she ordered an XRay of your lungs again to see if anything is going on.  I bet she'll find you have Superman lungs lol!

We sprinted this morning and I held you and sang to you and told you stories about your big brother Graham.  Oh, how Mommy's heart aches to be with him.  If you knew him and how sweet and loving and playful and smart and (I could go on) he is, you'd miss him very much too.  In fact, I think you do miss him.  You used to hear him all day and night when you were in what Daddy calls "Mommy's Baby House."

There's so many things we can't wait to show you and do with you and experience together as a family.  But, until then, we will be here in our cozy little NICU room together, riding out this storm.

Visitors today: Mommy's cousins, your Uncle Troy, Aunty Chelsie, Uncle Dane and Aunty Heather, came to visit you today!  You were tuckered out from our busy morning and slept the whole time.

And this afternoon, we "nippled" from the bottle together.  It takes a lot more coordination since you're a premie with a feeding tube in your mouth and a CPAP, but you did it!  A whole 10ccs (about two teaspoons)!  That makes Mommy giggle, it's so cute!

It was another good day for Team Garcia!

Sleep well tonight, Baby Maverick!  Tomorrow is going to be a good day too... I can feel it!  Love you Baby!  XOXO

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Graham's Easter Sunday.

Graham had such a wonderful Easter!  It kicked off at Aunty Helene's house coloring Easter eggs with his best friends!  He also got so much goodies from them, and Lola and Papa and Uncle Moon!  The Nunez family also gave him his favorite Wiggles toys!  Here he is with all his loot... such a happy little puppy!

Then, Aunty Edna and Aunty Nell dropped off more Easter goodies!

Such a lucky little Easter bunny boy!  Happy Easter Graham!  Mommy, Daddy, and Baby brother Maverick love you so much!  We know you're having fun and love spending time with Papa, Lola and Uncle!  XOXO

Day 21. 4/20/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 12.8oz.

Plan for the day: Rest, Sprint, and Grow.

Happy First Easter Baby Maverick!  And Happy Three Weeks Old!  You are such a big boy and Mommy and Daddy are so so proud of you!

You had a good night last night, but a few episodes this morning.  You're still growing and getting stronger so it's expected.  You gained another ounce, yeahhh!

Aunty Dina got you a little ducky for Easter!  She's your favorite, for sure!

And here you are with your Daddy and all your Easter pals!  Can you hear them cheering for you?  "Go, Maverick, Go!"

We got to FaceTime with your Big Brother Graham and Lola while Mommy held you.  Your brother was very curious about you and even gave you kisses (he kissed the phone)!  It was so sweet!

Three weeks down, not sure how many more to go.  But, we're ready for the next week and what lies ahead!

Happy First Easter, Baby Maverick Bunny Boo!  We love you so very much!  XOXO

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Thank You, Aunty Alison!

We have been staying with Aunty Alison in Hawaii Kai and she's been taking good care of Mommy and Daddy so that we can take care of you, baby Maverick.

Yesterday, she went up to Punchbowl and brought a beautiful Springy Easter bouquet of flowers and asked both of your Great Grandpas to watch over you and your Great Grandma Alice.

Great Grandpa Moon (Mommy's grandpa)

Great Grandpa Arquero (Papa Big's Daddy):

Aunty Alison is the sweetest and so very generous and thoughtful!  She loves you and your big brother Graham so much and we are all so lucky and blessed to have her in our lives!

Day 20. 4/19/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 12oz.

Plan for the day: Rest and no episodes

You had a little reflux this morning so Nurse Dina propped you up!  You seemed comfortable and rested well in this position. It also gives your back a nice break too.

You're taking your feedings well and they even add a little human milk fortifier to Mommy's milk which provides you with extra calories and nutrients to help you get stronger.

Speaking of Mommy's milk - I've been talking with the Lactation Specialist and told her that I keep a pumping log/spreadsheet 'in the cloud' which I can access anytime from my iPhone or device and which tracks my pump schedule and output.  I've noticed an increase in my supply and credit it to a rigorous pumping schedule and I felt my log helps me stay on track to maintain a healthy supply early on.  She asked me what I do for a living because she said I was good with data and was highly organized lol.  I was very flattered!  She loved the idea of my log so much that they implemented a new Pumping Log for ther NICU nursing Mommies to use!

Uncle Vaughn and Aunty Suzie came to meet you for the first time and visit with Mommy and Daddy!

And as an added bonus, Aunty Dina let us "unofficially" off the record sprint with you without your CPAP, lol.  She said if anyone asked, we were just rubbing your head LOL.  When Aunty Shari came on duty, you were doing so well she asked to get it on the record.  So we did and you made it for the three full hours!  So proud of you, son!

Here you are with Daddy and he just adores you so.  "I never knew how much I loved your father until I saw how much he loved you."

We have a big day tomorrow, Maverick!  We love you baby boy!  XOXO

Friday, April 18, 2014

Day 19. 4/18/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 11.1oz.

Plan for the day: Rest and grow.

Today, we kicked off the weekend by resting.  You had another big week and Dr. M doesn't want to stress or tire you further.  We'll probably try sprinting again on Monday.

// Daddy's here!!! //

Daddy's coworker's mom lives here on Oahu so he met her downstairs.  She delivered the biggest Easter basket full of treats and the cutest Easter Bunny from his Maui/UHMC family!

And!  We came home to Hawaii Kai and Aunty Alison got you all these outfits (thank you Aunty Al!)!  We can't wait to dress you up in them!  Boy, you sure are one lucky little fella!

Happy Good Friday, our littlest love!  Rest well and we can't wait to spend the whole day with you tomorrow!  XOXO

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 18. 4/17/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 11.1oz

Plan for the day: Rest, sprint, and grow.

You had a rough night last night, Baby Maverick.  Your belly 'blew up' which means it got really big and since you've been sick and on antibiotics, Dr. B. was cautious and stopped your feedings and put you back on an IV.  They did a blood culture and found your white blood cell count is a little high.

We sprinted off your CPAP again today, but just a short while.  You were too tired and worn out from your busy night and morning.

This was you, nice and relaxed, after your Nurse and I took off all your head gear for a short sprint and Mommy gave you a nice head rub... one of your favorite things!

Mommy stayed with you all day and pretty late this evening so I could go straight to the airport to pick up Daddy!  He flew in to spend this special weekend with us, your first Easter!

Rest well tonight, my little love.  I hope you dream of puppies and ice cream and trucks and trains... just like Graham Graham does.  XOXO

Preparing for Easter!

Graham is having so much fun preparing for Easter at Aunty Helene's house with his best friends!

This morning, they were coloring Easter eggs!

Aunty Cami said he even made one for you, Maverick!!!

Thank you, Aunty Helene and Aunty Cami for making Graham's and Maverick's Easter so special!  XOXO!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Your Name

Daddy and I wanted to give you a strong name and one that would be as unique as you are.  We named your older brother Graham with a name that starts with the letter 'G' after Daddy, so we wanted your name to be after Daddy as well.

We decided that Daddy would choose your first name and Mommy would choose your first middle name.  Then, you would get Mommy's maiden name as your second middle name (Moon), just like big brother Graham, and your last name Garcia.

Collectively, we both loved the name Maverick.  We first thought of the name before we conceived you.  It ends just like Daddy's, is a strong name, and is very unique.  We love the movie Top Gun, but you weren't necessarily named after that movie.  Mommy also loves James Garner and he starred in a tv series during your great grandma's time called Maverick.  Plus, Daddy is a techie and Apple's current OS is named Mavericks.

Your middle name, Yukio, is after your Great Grandma Alice Yukie Moon.  She is a strong fighter, just like you are, and it was only fitting to name you after her.  She is facing some adversity right now as well and you both are fighting through it together!  Yukio means Blessed Hero and baby boy, you are our little blessing and Daddy says you have Super Hero qualities and can fight through and conquer anything this world has coming your way!  And, just like your Great Grandma Moon, you have a little spunk (we can tell already by your big entrance into this world! Lol)!

We love you Maverick Yukio Moon Garcia.

Day 17. 4/16/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 9.6oz

Plan for the day: Rest, Sprint, and Grow.

Today you finished off your antibiotics.  You also got another medication this morning, a prescription caffeine booster.  Funny... I wonder if it was Starbucks?  Just kidding.

We did your first sprint together off your CPAP for three hours and you did good.  You got a little winded towards the end.  You'll do another today at midnight.

The nurses could hear a heart murmur so your Doctors took a listen and heard it this morning too.  They ordered an Echocardiogram, or "echo", which is an ultrasound of your heart.  And boy, you have such a beautiful and amazing heart!  I heard it and saw it myself!

We hope and pray it's a teeny tiny murmur that resolves itself.

How many newborns do you know have a picture of their heart?!  You're one cool and very special baby boy, Maverick!

And this one... well, this photo of you below is one of the very reasons why Daddy and I want eight more puppies just like you and your big brother Graham.  Sign me up for more lol!  I think I'm kidding again.

Sleep tight our little love bug!  Can't wait to see you again tomorrow!  XOXO

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 16. 4/15/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 9oz.

Plan for the day: Rest, continue ABX, grow.

You gained a lot of grams today!  You're the new Pongy Fat-Fat!

Yesterday's renal ultrasound's results showed no sign of abnormalities so we did a little happy dance!  Yeah!

We sprinted off your CPAP for a few hours again today.  You had an episode but we pushed through it!  We're getting there son!

You're such a beautiful beautiful beautiful baby boy and we adore you so!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 15. 4/14/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 6.2oz.

Plan for the day: Rest, continue ABX and no episodes.

Mommy dropped Daddy and your big brother Pup off at the airport this morning at 5am.  It was harder than I thought it was going to be (isn't it always?), but Daddy told me I need to be strong for you.  Parting is such sweet sorrow.  But, the bright side was I got to come here to the hospital and spend time with you, my littlest love, bright and early!  I got to hold you first thing this morning and that was the best way to start my day with you.

You're packing on the pounds (grams) lol!  It must be Mommy's milk, hehe!  You're up 40 grams today.  Speaking of milk, we've been doing well here and the Lactation Nurses are so wonderful and helpful!  We've been stocking up our reserves and have a little freezer supply at the NICU for you.

Your NNP ordered a renal ultrasound this morning which is a safe and painless test that uses sound waves to make images of your cute little kidneys, ureters and bladder.  This is to check that everything looks as it should and you don't have a UTI.

We also got to sprint today (come off your CPAP for a few hours).  It was an uphill challenge to stay off for three hours, but you, our little fighter, stayed off for three hours and two minutes!  Yeah, Mav!

Between that and your regular assessments, feedings, administering your medication and Mommy's pump schedule, we've had a busy day, little man!

Visitors Today: Lola stopped by in the morning with Aunty Alison and Uncle Nick on their way to their NOAA field trip. Then Lola came back and spent the rest of the afternoon with you and me!

Can't wait to see what tomorrow's adventures have in store for us!  Go, Mav, Go!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 14. 4/13/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 4.8oz.

Plan for the day: Rest, ABX, no episodes

Today, you are a Big Boy Two Weeks Old!  We're so happy your big brother and your Lola are here to celebrate this milestone with you!

Look at your beautiful black hair!  You remind us so much of your big brother, but there's something about your eyes that make Mommy think of Daddy.  Sigh. We are in love with you, little boy!

Today you were able to come off your CPAP for a few hours but you needed to go back on.  It's ok.  No rush... it's good to have these little trial runs so you can slowly ween off of it.

You're still on your antibiotics and will continue that for a few more days.  You're back up to your full feedings and taking that well.

To celebrate you, we took your big brother to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time!  He had the time of his life as Daddy chased him around.  Pretty soon, Daddy will be chasing you both around!

Happy Two Weeks!!!  Keep fighting, Maverick!  We love you so much, pup!  XOXO

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Day 13. 4/12/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 4.8 oz.

Plan for the day: Continue to rest and take ABX, no episodes.

Today is a day I will never forget for the rest of my days.  Today, Lola brought Graham over from Maui and we were reunited.  It was one of the sweetest moments I have ever experienced in my life and I will always remember the look Graham had on his face when he saw us at the airport and realized he was seeing his Daddy and his Mommy for the first time in two weeks and what must have seemed like an eternity.  He kicked his feet around while Lola carried him and squealed with joy and excitement and I couldn't help but do the same.  I hugged him as tight as I possibly could and told him over and over again how much we missed him and how much we love him as I smothered him in kisses.  He kept looking at me and held my face in his hands as if he were wondering, "Is this really you, Mommy?!"

We went straight to the hospital to visit you, Maverick, and took our first family photo together... one I will cherish always.

Team Garcia!

Lola held your hand for the first time, calmed you and sang to you.

Now that we're all together, my heart feels whole again.  I can only imagine how much sweeter life will be once we are all together at home.  Until then, we take it a day at a time and continue to push forward!

Later that evening, we let you rest and we went to dinner for Aunty Alison's birthday at Gyotaku in Hawaii Kai.

We all love you so very much, son!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 12. 4/11/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 3oz.

Plan for the day: Rest, continue ABX and No Episodes!

Goal for the week: Off CPAP, Eat

You're doing a little better today, Maverick!  You are a strong little man and are going to kick this bug, whatever it is.

They had to put another IV in your left foot since the one in your right foot got a little puffy.

They put a new CPAP mask on you but you're like Houdini and like to wiggle out of it.  So you're back on the bubble version.

Aunty Alison came and took some photos of you.  Here's our favorite!

You're more active today which they say is a good sign.  You're 12 days older and stronger!  Keep fighting, Mav!  We love you son!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 11. 4/10/14.

Weight: 4lbs. 4.4oz.

Plan for the day: Rest and get well.

Little man, you're one strong fighter.  We had a little set back today (both you and Mommy).  Mommy's on some meds to address a reoccurring thing.  They put you back on your CPAP, put you back on an IV and had to move your feeding tube back to your mouth.  You're showing signs of infection so you're on antibiotics too.

You're keeping Daddy and Mommy on our toes.  Mommy's trying to be strong for you and not breakdown, but it's hard when I feel so helpless and sad that you're not feeling well.  Daddy says you're strong like your Grandma Moon and will kick this bug.  You are so precious and we're all keeping a close eye on you and the Drs and Nurses are watching you like hawks.

Don't worry, Baby.  Everything will be all right...

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day 10. 4/9/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 2.4oz

Plan for the day: Feed, grow, and rest in the open air

You gained a lot of weight in the last day! We had a good day and fell into our daily routine which is a good thing.  You got a little cold but nothing a little s2s couldn't fix!

Here you are, such a sweet sweet baby boy. 

Good Morning, Graham!

Every morning, Cami and Aunty Helene send pictures and videos of our Graham. These mean so much to us so we can get our daily dose of Graham.  He's always so happy and silly and amazing and we miss him so very much.

We can't wait to be back together again as a family and know that will be very soon!  We love you Pup, and thank you Cami and Aunty!! XOXO

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day 9. 4/8/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 0oz.

Plan for the day: Feed, rest and grow!

Today, you got to move to and sleep in an open air bed for a few hours but it got a little cold so you went back in your baby condo (incubator).

You've been taking your feedings well and continue to get a little better and stronger with each passing day.  We nursed you for a bit too!

Visitors today: Uncle Conan and Aunty Eileen brought Mommy's favorite, Pietro's, for dinner and sat and visited with us and got to meet you for the first time!  We can't wait to spend more time with them once we split this taco stand!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Day 8. 4/7/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 0oz.

Plan for the day: Feed! Rest and Grow!

Little Man, you are all kinds of amazing.  Today, because you've been taking all your feedings well, they took you off your IV!  They also moved your feeding tube from your mouth to your nose!  This makes it much easier for you to start nursing...

And, for the first time, you got to nurse straight from the source!

You make it look all too easy!

Happy 8 days old Maverick!  Keep up the amazing job growing, son!  We are so proud!

Love, Daddy, Mommy and your Best Big Brother Graham