Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 27. 4/26/2014.

Weight: 5lbs. 6.6oz.

Plan for the day: Rest and grow.

Maverick, you are a little fatto boy!  You're up another 40gs and almost five and a half pounds!

Aunty Alison came this morning and took more photos of you!  Boy, you sure are filling in compared to the photos she took just two weeks ago!  We're glad she's also documenting your journey alongside with us!

You were off of your CPAP practically all day!  We'd celebrate every hour that would go by!

And when we left this evening, you were still off your CPAP.  You had a few episodes, but nothing major where you needed it back on.  You did have to go back in your baby condo with a closed top so you could warm up because you were a little cold.

Here the red lamps are on warming you up a bit.

Today was a good day, Maverick!  It was a good day for all of us!  Keep smiling and know that you brighten our days and we love you so!

Sleep well and rest and stay warm and cozy, puppy!  XOXO!

1 comment:

  1. This post makes my heart so full and happy! I'm so happy for you Mav that you had a good day! I keep telling your mom that you are tough and will fight through it and to see you smiling is the best confirmation! We love you, your beautiful parents, and your awesome big brother! Keep it up baby boy!
