Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 31. 4/30/2014.

Weight: 5lbs. 15.2oz.

Plan for the day: Rest, grow, continue ABX, and no episodes

Happy One Month, Maverick!  I can't believe you're a whole month old!  Time flies when you're so in love (this is true with your Daddy and with your big brother too!)

My little love, you've gained another 60gms and are almost six pounds.

You're on day 8 of 14 of your antibiotics.

Here you are resting this morning:

And here's a picture your Papa Allen sent of your big brother, Graham... both of our puppies sleep the same:

You had several episodes last night off your CPAP and then again this morning.  They were serious episodes so NP L. got the ok and Dr. B. ordered you back on.  I can't imagine how tired you must be and I know it takes a lot of work, so you just take all the time you need.

Dr. B. called again for the ENT specialist to come today.  Dr. T., a small, petite Chinese lady, came by.  She brought her digital scope and examined your airways and throat through your nose.  You are such a strong and brave little boy.  It was a good thing NP L. prepared Mommy for this yesterday, so it wasn't a total surprise on what Dr. T. was doing.  Dr. T. didn't see any abnormalities or irritation with your airways or your throat, and said everything looked normal.  She said there's nothing that would require surgery.  And with my next breath, I was able to exhale.

There's always times like that; times where I'm waiting to exhale.  When you have an apneic episode and brady or desat, in some ways, so do I.  When you can't breathe, I feel like I stop breathing too.  But there are times like this afternoon when I'm actually able to exhale.  So we keep breathing and take one day at a time.

Here we are at the end of another long day, holding hands while you suck on your binky:

Breathe, Maverick.  Just breathe.  I can't wait to spend the whole day with you tomorrow.  Love you forever.  XOXO.

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