Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 28. 4/27/2014.

Weight: 5lbs. 7oz.

Plan for the day: Eat, Sleep, Poop (repeat)!

Happy Four Weeks Maverick!  We cannot believe it's been four weeks and we are so very proud of how far you've come, son!

You've been off your CPAP for over 24 hours!  Today, you're slowly getting feedings again at 5ccs too.  You rested most of the day and are catching up on your sleep and those restless nights on your CPAP.  We nippled during one of your feedings, but you were having episodes so we need to take it slow.  It takes a lot of coordination for a premie so you just take all the time you need!

To celebrate your four week birthday, Aunty Al cooked us some delicious meatballs and gravy and she even bought our favorite treat for dessert, cocoa puffs from Liliha Bakery!  Hooray, Maverick!

Daddy has to go back to Maui early tomorrow morning to go back to work and be with Graham, but he'll be back before we know it!

Happy Four Weeks, beautiful baby boy!  We love love love you!  XOXO

1 comment:

  1. This picture is so sweet, with Maverick's little hand coming out as if still his public and say, "Yes, I'm coming along just fine"! The 4/26 photo of "The Smile, however, has stolen Everyones' hearts! Bless you little Maverick - You're AMAZING! and so is your family! Love, Auntie Alexandria
