Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 18. 4/17/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 11.1oz

Plan for the day: Rest, sprint, and grow.

You had a rough night last night, Baby Maverick.  Your belly 'blew up' which means it got really big and since you've been sick and on antibiotics, Dr. B. was cautious and stopped your feedings and put you back on an IV.  They did a blood culture and found your white blood cell count is a little high.

We sprinted off your CPAP again today, but just a short while.  You were too tired and worn out from your busy night and morning.

This was you, nice and relaxed, after your Nurse and I took off all your head gear for a short sprint and Mommy gave you a nice head rub... one of your favorite things!

Mommy stayed with you all day and pretty late this evening so I could go straight to the airport to pick up Daddy!  He flew in to spend this special weekend with us, your first Easter!

Rest well tonight, my little love.  I hope you dream of puppies and ice cream and trucks and trains... just like Graham Graham does.  XOXO

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear u guys had a rough night!!! Hope u guys get better soon!!! Love u Garcias!
