Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 14. 4/13/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 4.8oz.

Plan for the day: Rest, ABX, no episodes

Today, you are a Big Boy Two Weeks Old!  We're so happy your big brother and your Lola are here to celebrate this milestone with you!

Look at your beautiful black hair!  You remind us so much of your big brother, but there's something about your eyes that make Mommy think of Daddy.  Sigh. We are in love with you, little boy!

Today you were able to come off your CPAP for a few hours but you needed to go back on.  It's ok.  No rush... it's good to have these little trial runs so you can slowly ween off of it.

You're still on your antibiotics and will continue that for a few more days.  You're back up to your full feedings and taking that well.

To celebrate you, we took your big brother to Chuck E. Cheese for the first time!  He had the time of his life as Daddy chased him around.  Pretty soon, Daddy will be chasing you both around!

Happy Two Weeks!!!  Keep fighting, Maverick!  We love you so much, pup!  XOXO

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