Monday, April 7, 2014

Day 8. 4/7/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 0oz.

Plan for the day: Feed! Rest and Grow!

Little Man, you are all kinds of amazing.  Today, because you've been taking all your feedings well, they took you off your IV!  They also moved your feeding tube from your mouth to your nose!  This makes it much easier for you to start nursing...

And, for the first time, you got to nurse straight from the source!

You make it look all too easy!

Happy 8 days old Maverick!  Keep up the amazing job growing, son!  We are so proud!

Love, Daddy, Mommy and your Best Big Brother Graham

1 comment:

  1. Such a great picture! I am so happy to see little Mav is growing stronger every day!!! YAY, mama's milk.
