Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 15. 4/14/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 6.2oz.

Plan for the day: Rest, continue ABX and no episodes.

Mommy dropped Daddy and your big brother Pup off at the airport this morning at 5am.  It was harder than I thought it was going to be (isn't it always?), but Daddy told me I need to be strong for you.  Parting is such sweet sorrow.  But, the bright side was I got to come here to the hospital and spend time with you, my littlest love, bright and early!  I got to hold you first thing this morning and that was the best way to start my day with you.

You're packing on the pounds (grams) lol!  It must be Mommy's milk, hehe!  You're up 40 grams today.  Speaking of milk, we've been doing well here and the Lactation Nurses are so wonderful and helpful!  We've been stocking up our reserves and have a little freezer supply at the NICU for you.

Your NNP ordered a renal ultrasound this morning which is a safe and painless test that uses sound waves to make images of your cute little kidneys, ureters and bladder.  This is to check that everything looks as it should and you don't have a UTI.

We also got to sprint today (come off your CPAP for a few hours).  It was an uphill challenge to stay off for three hours, but you, our little fighter, stayed off for three hours and two minutes!  Yeah, Mav!

Between that and your regular assessments, feedings, administering your medication and Mommy's pump schedule, we've had a busy day, little man!

Visitors Today: Lola stopped by in the morning with Aunty Alison and Uncle Nick on their way to their NOAA field trip. Then Lola came back and spent the rest of the afternoon with you and me!

Can't wait to see what tomorrow's adventures have in store for us!  Go, Mav, Go!

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