Saturday, April 12, 2014

Day 13. 4/12/2014.

Weight: 4lbs. 4.8 oz.

Plan for the day: Continue to rest and take ABX, no episodes.

Today is a day I will never forget for the rest of my days.  Today, Lola brought Graham over from Maui and we were reunited.  It was one of the sweetest moments I have ever experienced in my life and I will always remember the look Graham had on his face when he saw us at the airport and realized he was seeing his Daddy and his Mommy for the first time in two weeks and what must have seemed like an eternity.  He kicked his feet around while Lola carried him and squealed with joy and excitement and I couldn't help but do the same.  I hugged him as tight as I possibly could and told him over and over again how much we missed him and how much we love him as I smothered him in kisses.  He kept looking at me and held my face in his hands as if he were wondering, "Is this really you, Mommy?!"

We went straight to the hospital to visit you, Maverick, and took our first family photo together... one I will cherish always.

Team Garcia!

Lola held your hand for the first time, calmed you and sang to you.

Now that we're all together, my heart feels whole again.  I can only imagine how much sweeter life will be once we are all together at home.  Until then, we take it a day at a time and continue to push forward!

Later that evening, we let you rest and we went to dinner for Aunty Alison's birthday at Gyotaku in Hawaii Kai.

We all love you so very much, son!


  1. It makes me so, so, SO happy to see all of you together!!! Keep fighting Baby Maverick! You got this! Xoxo

  2. Omg guys. I can't stop crying over here reading this and seeing ur pics. I am so overjoyed u got to see ur Graham and lola got to meet mav for the first time. I hope and pray that mav will get stronger soon so u can all be together again. Love u all
