Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 24. 4/23/2014.

Weight: 5lbs. 2.2oz.

Plan for the day: Labs, ABX, rest and get better.

Dr. C. gave Mommy an update this morning.  You were still having episodes last night and haven't progressed since having the blood transfusion yesterday.  So, this morning, they did more tests.  They did labs and took blood, had to put a catheter in to take a urine culture, did an XRay of your belly since it was big again, and another ultrasound of your head (your third so far) to follow up on the hemorrhage in your brain they found during your first week here.  The second ultrasound showed it remained the same size.  Seems like this was our busiest morning yet.

After your blood transfusion last night, they had to switch your IV from your left hand to your right foot because the one in your hand gave out.  This morning, they had to remove the one in your foot because that one was puffy and was no good anymore either.  Because you're NPO again (Dr. C. wants to rest your belly today), Nurse Alex had to poke you again and put a new IV in for your fluids today and new antibiotics.

This afternoon, you got a repeat XRay of your chest and belly and Dr. ordered another one again for later tonight.

My sweet, sweet baby boy.  I wish I could take all the pain and pokes and sticks for you. And take away whatever it is that's troubling your well being.  You seem happiest and most peaceful in Mommy's arms, so for now, I'll continue to hold you as long as they'll let me.

I promise you, Maverick, there is a rainbow at the end of the storm.  Love you forever. XOXO.

1 comment:

  1. He is a strong boy Deebs. I can't even imagine how hard this is on everyone but you all will come out stronger when its all done. If Maverick can weather this storm, then he is capable of anything. That goes for you too. Lots of love...
