Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 11. 4/10/14.

Weight: 4lbs. 4.4oz.

Plan for the day: Rest and get well.

Little man, you're one strong fighter.  We had a little set back today (both you and Mommy).  Mommy's on some meds to address a reoccurring thing.  They put you back on your CPAP, put you back on an IV and had to move your feeding tube back to your mouth.  You're showing signs of infection so you're on antibiotics too.

You're keeping Daddy and Mommy on our toes.  Mommy's trying to be strong for you and not breakdown, but it's hard when I feel so helpless and sad that you're not feeling well.  Daddy says you're strong like your Grandma Moon and will kick this bug.  You are so precious and we're all keeping a close eye on you and the Drs and Nurses are watching you like hawks.

Don't worry, Baby.  Everything will be all right...

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