Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 5. 4/4/2014.

Weight: 3lbs. 11.3oz.

Plan for the day: Rest and Grow!

Today, you made poop twice this morning!  Funny how mommies get excited over poop lol!

You're starting to digest your feedings and they're increasing your feeding amounts.

You were off your CPAP for a little while this morning but you're not quite taking the big boy breaths yet (as Nurse Alex says (funny how you have a nurse named Alex right?! Your Uncle Alex was sending us a sign to tell us he's watching over you too)), so they put it back on.  It's ok because we don't want to rush you and besides, it's your fighter jet helmet contraption and kinda goes with your name.

And they took you off your suntanning regimen and will do labs tomorrow to see if you still need the bili lights.

You're a tall little guy.  You like to stretch, like to be swaddled more, but love being with Mommy the best!

Look at that big toe on your right foot... JUST like your big brother Graham!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for poop!!! Totally feel your enthusiasm!!! And Uncle Alex is truly an angel watching over baby Mav. Love you all!
