Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 62. 5/31/2014.

Weight: 8lbs. 1.4oz.

Plan for the day: Eat, rest and grow more!

You officially did it, Little Man!  You're EIGHT POUNDS!  We had a rough start and at eight weeks early, you were born at 4lbs. 2oz.  Your lowest weight was about 3lbs. 10oz. So you've basically gained 4+ pounds since you've been here and it wasn't easy, but you did it!  Preemies have a harder time with feeding because of the suck-swallow-breathe coordination it takes.  You had a different method of eating when you were in Mommy's Baby House and since you left early, you had to learn a whole new method on your own.

We are so very very proud of you, son!

After morning rounds, Dr. M. came to talk to Mommy because you did have another episode last night but self-recovered.  She said you are bearing down because you are constipated so we are to give you prune juice.  They aren't going to hold your discharge and we are  still on schedule to go home tomorrow.

Mommy met Aunty Alison for dinner at Roy's and was surprised to have Aunti Keiki Dawn and Aunty Chigo join us!  It was quite the celebration dinner and so wonderful to spend time with them all!  

Aunty Al had the braised short ribs and Mommy had the Filet Mignon.

And, of course, we got their infamous chocolate soufflĂ© for dessert! 

Then, Mommy picked up Daddy at the airport so we could get everything ready to fly home tomorrow!  

This is really it, Mav!  We are finally going home!!!!! Xoxo!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 61. 5/30/2014.

Weight: 7lbs. 15.3oz.

Plan for the day: Car Seat Challenge, First Photo, eat, rest and grow!

We sure did have a busy day, Maverick!  And the best part?

We. Are. Going. HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your Doctors have cleared you to go home in two days, on Sunday!  I cried and couldn't believe it when Dr. M. came into our room and told us the best news we've heard in a while.

You took your Car Seat Challenge at 1:35 am for 90 minutes and passed!

You had your First Photos taken by mom365 this morning in your whale onesie that Ninang Nicole gave you!

Mommy met with your Nutritionist, who has been tracking you along your whole journey here at the NICU.  She gave me the plan you will be on and told me you were an A Plus student!

I learned how to administer your medications.

Your nurses did say that once we get the green light, things happen pretty quickly and boy, they we weren't kidding!

We'll be home in no time, little boy!  Sleep well and tomorrow, we'll be a day closer to going home!  Love love love you, Mommy!  Xoxo.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Your Nurses.

There are dozens of nurses here at the Kaiser Moanalua NICU that have cared for you around the clock.

Some of your favorite nurses:

Aunty Jen, an intern at Chaminade (who also gave you your black and white zebra that plays music) and Zia Laura (who gave you the Taggie blankie and Guess How Much I Love You bunny book).

With Aunty Dina on our first day.

Nurse Alex

Nurse Aunty Shari who was there your first night.

Aunty Gina

And here we are with them on your last day, Day 63, in the NICU.

Your favorite Dr. Mogos

Aunties Dina, Laura, and Aileen

Aunty Jill, Speech and Feeding

Aunties Amy, Linda Tutt and Dina

They are the true definition of angels who walk the earth.  They saved your life and cared for you every single day until you were well enough to come home and we will be forever grateful to them.

Day 60. 5/29/2014.

Weight: 7lbs. 15.9oz.

Plan for the day: Eat, rest and grow.

Sometimes, when Mommy is driving to the hospital alone in the morning, it feels like Groundhog Day, where the days feel exactly the same and I can't distinguish them apart.  But as soon as I get to your room and see you, that feeling instantly vanishes and I can recall every single minute I've spent with you and every single moment we've been together here in the NICU.

Oh my beautiful baby boy.  You're growing so well and are almost an eight pounder!  My goodness!  And don't you just look like a carbon copy of your Daddy!

Today was Immunization Day.  At sixty days, all newborns are given vaccinations and you took it like a champ!  

We are on an unofficial countdown, meaning, we wait it out until your Doctors say you can go home.  It's sort of like a holding pattern, if you will. 

Well, that just gives us more time to take selfies in the NICU lol.  Your hair is getting so long, you have wing tips.

We had a great long day together, Mav, and as I lay here typing this, I can't wait to close my eyes and fall asleep because as soon as I do, I'll be that much closer to waking up again and spending the day with you... And one day closer to being with Daddy, Graham, and Papa and Lola.  Good night my love!  XOXO.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 59. 5/28/2014.

Weight: 7lbs. 13.9oz.

Plan for the day: Eat, rest, hang with Mommy, grow... and no episodes!

Oh, Maverick Boy!  You had an episode last night while you were feeding, so we are waiting this out.  Your Doctors want to make sure you are completely healed and ready to go home and you're not quite there yet.  So, until then, we keep doing our thing.  And we're just fine with that.  We've been here for more than eight weeks... what's a few more days?  Or a week even!  I think by this point, we've proven we can weather any storm!

One of your favorite nurses, Zia Laura, gave you this sweet sweet book because it is her favorite book to read to her babies.

You have captured everyone's heart and they love you all the way to the moon... and back!  Love you forever, Mommy XOXO

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 58. 5/27/2014.

Weight: 7lbs. 10.5oz.

Plan for the day: CPR Training, eat, rest, and grow.

Daddy and I packed up the big cooler on wheels with some of Mommy's frozen milk.  We proabably have over 600oz. of liquid gold lol.  He's flying back tonight so he'll bring back one load with him and when he comes back to pick us both up, we'll bring the rest of the milk too.

You're becoming a great nurser.  Here you are, knocked out after your mid-morning snacker!

This afternoon, Daddy and I did CPR Training.  I think every single parent should learn CPR for their children!  Remember... compressions!!!

We're not on an official countdown anymore.  Our plan is now to take it day by day since you had an episode while sleeping the other night.

Oh, Maverick Boy!  The next time Daddy comes back, we hope it's to pick us both up so we can split this taco stand for good!  Almost there, Mav!  We love love love you so!  XOXO

Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 57. 5/26/2014.

Weight: 7lbs. 11oz.

Plan for the day: Circ, eat, rest, rest, rest, and grow!

Good morning, our little love bug!

You got new sheets on your bed!  Boy, you sure are growing!  And you sleep just like your big brother Graham!

Because you're 40 weeks gestational age, we opted to have your circumcision procedure done today before you get too old.  Once you're past a certain age, they no longer can do it as a procedure and it has to be a scheduled surgery with the urologist so we wanted to take care of that for you now.  It's also good because you're still here in the NICU and your nurses can care for you and monitor your ouchie!

You were NPO an hour before and Dr. Biggs, one of the pediatricians came and explained the benefits, risks, and also the procedure itself.  Then, Nurse Aunty Nola personally escorted you and whisked you off.  When she returned, she said Dr. Biggs performed the best circ she's ever seen and her technique was impeccable! Whew!  It was like music to our ears!  She said everything went well and you did great!

Daddy wasn't feeling well and must've caught a stomach bug or something so Aunty Al cooked us a special deluxe Saimin with roast pork and char siu pork for dinner!  She also topped it with those delicious home made wontons from the Nunez fam!  Yum!

Then, Mommy got to FaceTime with your big brother.  My heart still aches to be with him!

Here he is kissing the phone:

We're taking things day by day and pushing through!  We're almost there, little love!  We'll be reunited as a family for good really soon!  XOXO!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day 56. 5/25/2014.

Weight: 7lbs. 10.1oz.
Length: 19.3"

Plan for the day: Eat, rest, grow... And no episodes so we can split this taco stand! Lol!

Happy Eight Weeks, Maverick!  Today is a special day!  Today was your actual due date and also the same exact due date you share with your big brother Graham!  It's quite remarkable that you both shared the same due date to the tee.... but you had your own plans and wanted to spend time with us that much sooner!  We are truly blessed with you!

Aunty Al and I had a nice little breakfast this morning - Mommy's favorite... toast, fresh fruit and Kyani!

While walking out of the elevator and to the car, I noticed Mommy has an extra skip in her step, Maverick, and it's all because of you!

I got to the hospital and saw your new set-up!

Your nurses love you so much and arrange your room so nicely!  Here's your new bottles - the Playtex Ventaire were highly recommended by a few of the RNs and also the RN/Speech (and Feeding) therapist!  She said babies, especially preemies, do really well with this system (and I actually used this same system with your big brother Graham!).

At eight weeks, you're over seven and a half pounds and you've grown 2.5" since birth!  What a big boy!

Mommy met Aunty Al for lunch at Nico's at Pier 38 for my favorite pesto chicken Caesar salad!

Then, we went to the National Memorial Cemetary of the Pacific, or "Punchbowl." Aunty Al's mom and dad are laid to rest there, and so are Mommy's Grandpa Moon and Grandpa Arquero.

It was pouring rain, but Aunty Al and I weathered that storm!

Because it is Memorial Day weekend, the boyscouts placed an American flag and lei on every single grave, all 38,000.  It was such a remarkable and profound view that took our breath away.

And when I came back to see you, you were fast asleep and looked like an angel.

And after dinner, Aunty Al and I had to make a run out to buy ice packs to transport all our frozen milk stash so we stopped by our favorite spot, Bubbies.  I think you could say we've become addicted lol!

Guess what?  Daddy's coming tomorrow!!!  I think this will be our best week yet!  XOXO!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

A Day in the Life at the NICU...

I've been wanting to do a "Day in the Life at the NICU" post for a while now just to give you a glimpse of what our days are like.  I'm sure somewhere down the road, we'll forget the daily details of our life as it is now, so this will help us remember just that.

We're staying in Hawaii Kai with Aunty Alison at her beautiful condo at Mount Terrace.

She has sweeping ocean views from every room in her condo and it's absolutely breathtaking!  There's Koko Head on the left!

If it's a weekend, Aunty Al is home and cooks us a deluxe breakfast!

The view from across the street from Aunty's condo, where we park the car!

And we're off!

We take the H-1 all the way to Moanalua.  The traffic is always going the opposite direction, so it usually takes us a quick 25-35 minutes.  Here's our cutoff!

We park and then walk into the newly renovated Kaiser Moanalua Hospital:

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is located on the sixth floor.  Here, we have to buzz in and the nurses can see us from their video monitor:

Then, we have to scrub in.  This is to ensure you don't get any outside germies and we keep our baby healthy and safe!  We grab a scrubber and scrub for two minutes from elbow to hand.

Then we come in and see you!  The first thing we do is check your care board!  Mommy has taken a picture of your board every single day.  I also fill out your NICU Journal with your daily stats - weight, growth, nurses, etc.

You have "Hands On" time every three hours - 12, 3, 6, and 9am/pm.  During that time, we change your diaper and weigh it, take your temperature, measure your belly, take a blood pressure, and rotate your Ox lead to your other foot.

Then we get you fed!  

Another thing we do is Pump!  We pump around the clock to keep my milk supply up for you.  Once we bring you home, I'll still have to pump, but just not as much!  We have over 500oz of frozen milk for you... maybe even more!  I swear it must be the Kyani lol!

Then we go and eat lunch down at the Sunrise Cafe (aka the Hospital Cafeteria) located on the second floor. Aunty Al packs us a home lunch or snack bag every single day, so Daddy and I eat it downstairs.

Day 55. 5/24/2014.

Weight: 7lbs. 8.7oz.

Plan for the day: Eat, rest, cuddle with Mommy, grow.

We had a great morning, Maverick.  And when I say great, I mean GREAT.  Lol.  I woke up this morning feeling rested (I should revel in the glory of sleep now because I know when we go home, we'll have some adjusting to get used to).  I digress.  Aunty Al cooked me a nice bacon, eggs, and sausage breakfast!  And it was pouring rain in Hawaii Kai.  But it wasn't that depressing type of rain.  It was the "I feel like it's going to be a great day and it's raining, what a blessing" kind of rain.

Your weekend Nurse Aunty Josie came in and told me the GREAT news!  During their morning rounds, your Doctors discussed that we could be going home next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Mommy would use more exclamation points, but I think by this point, after 55 days here, you get the drift, lol!)

So, we planned and talked about all the things that have to happen before your discharge.  We have to do the carseat challenge, do CPR training, get clipped (ouchie, but don't worry, you won't remember this part lol!), and we also have to NOT have episodes.

Break for a morning selfie:

In the afternoon, I went to run some errands.  At my first stop at the market to pick up a potted plant, an old Japanese man, a veteran of probably World War II, was standing at a table near the entrance and gave me a paper Poppy flower.  I didn't think anything of it, kept walking, and went to the store.  While in the store, I read the little note and it was for someone named Buddy.  So I went back to the table where the veterans were stationed and asked what the flowers were for.  It being Memorial Day weekend, they told me they're there collecting donations to help support the VA and the Veterans and various programs that support veterans so I made a donation and they were so happy!  They asked if I had any children and I proudly replied, "Yes, I have two boys!"  So, they gave me an American flag and some rulers and his last pencil.

It's important for you and Graham to give back in life - to do things that will help others simply because you want to, not to expect something in return because there will be many times in your life when people will do kind things for you... just because.  Daddy and I know all too well about this because so many people have done so much for us while we've been here, away from home, at the NICU with you.  So, we must pay if forward.

I then stopped by the graveyard where Mommy's grandma and grandpa (Lola's mom and dad) are and I said a little prayer for you and Grandma Moon and the rest of our family and loved ones.

My last stop was to pick up bottles for you from Babies R Us.  This is so the Doctors and Nurses can monitor your heart and respiratory rates while you're feeding with the bottles we'll use at home to ensure you'll transition well!  Boy, they sure do think of everything to make sure you succeed!

Once I got back to the hospital, I taped the flag the Japanese Vet gave me to your big boy bed in the spirit of Memorial Day.

Oh, Maverick, My Love!  You make Mommy so proud and I want to shout it from the rooftops!  We've got some business to take care of before we split this taco stand, but we're almost there!  Go, Mav, Go!  XOXO!