Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 33. 5/2/2014.

Weight: 6lbs. 2.7oz.

Plan for the day: Continue ABX, rest and grow.

You had a good evening last night and haven't had any major recordable episodes!  Yeah, Maverick!

You were laying so content while Daddy talked to you and told you stories.  I can't get over how much you look like your handsome Daddy (and your big brother Graham too)!  Be still, my heart!

Daddy fed you this evening and you both did so well!  You're getting the suck-swallow-breathe down, you little smarty pants!

Speaking of Smarty Pants, Aunty Helene and Aunty Cami sent videos of your big brother saying Mom and Daddy!  We are so very proud of the two of you Garcia Boys!

Daddy and I FaceTimed with Graham tonight and he laughed, talked, sang and danced for us!

We are all so proud of how you and your big brother Graham are doing!  You're the two most amazing little human beings on the face of this earth and make us feel so very blessed to be your parents.  We love you, Maverick, and can't wait to see what tomorrow's adventures hold!  Good night our little love!  XOXO!

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