Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 55. 5/24/2014.

Weight: 7lbs. 8.7oz.

Plan for the day: Eat, rest, cuddle with Mommy, grow.

We had a great morning, Maverick.  And when I say great, I mean GREAT.  Lol.  I woke up this morning feeling rested (I should revel in the glory of sleep now because I know when we go home, we'll have some adjusting to get used to).  I digress.  Aunty Al cooked me a nice bacon, eggs, and sausage breakfast!  And it was pouring rain in Hawaii Kai.  But it wasn't that depressing type of rain.  It was the "I feel like it's going to be a great day and it's raining, what a blessing" kind of rain.

Your weekend Nurse Aunty Josie came in and told me the GREAT news!  During their morning rounds, your Doctors discussed that we could be going home next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Mommy would use more exclamation points, but I think by this point, after 55 days here, you get the drift, lol!)

So, we planned and talked about all the things that have to happen before your discharge.  We have to do the carseat challenge, do CPR training, get clipped (ouchie, but don't worry, you won't remember this part lol!), and we also have to NOT have episodes.

Break for a morning selfie:

In the afternoon, I went to run some errands.  At my first stop at the market to pick up a potted plant, an old Japanese man, a veteran of probably World War II, was standing at a table near the entrance and gave me a paper Poppy flower.  I didn't think anything of it, kept walking, and went to the store.  While in the store, I read the little note and it was for someone named Buddy.  So I went back to the table where the veterans were stationed and asked what the flowers were for.  It being Memorial Day weekend, they told me they're there collecting donations to help support the VA and the Veterans and various programs that support veterans so I made a donation and they were so happy!  They asked if I had any children and I proudly replied, "Yes, I have two boys!"  So, they gave me an American flag and some rulers and his last pencil.

It's important for you and Graham to give back in life - to do things that will help others simply because you want to, not to expect something in return because there will be many times in your life when people will do kind things for you... just because.  Daddy and I know all too well about this because so many people have done so much for us while we've been here, away from home, at the NICU with you.  So, we must pay if forward.

I then stopped by the graveyard where Mommy's grandma and grandpa (Lola's mom and dad) are and I said a little prayer for you and Grandma Moon and the rest of our family and loved ones.

My last stop was to pick up bottles for you from Babies R Us.  This is so the Doctors and Nurses can monitor your heart and respiratory rates while you're feeding with the bottles we'll use at home to ensure you'll transition well!  Boy, they sure do think of everything to make sure you succeed!

Once I got back to the hospital, I taped the flag the Japanese Vet gave me to your big boy bed in the spirit of Memorial Day.

Oh, Maverick, My Love!  You make Mommy so proud and I want to shout it from the rooftops!  We've got some business to take care of before we split this taco stand, but we're almost there!  Go, Mav, Go!  XOXO!

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