Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 38. 5/7/2014.

Weight: 6lbs. 10.1oz.

Plan for the day: Nipple, rest and grow!

You are such a BIG BOY now Maverick!  You just finished your antibiotics and since you're done, they removed your PICC line this morning!  One more tube down, one to go!  Yeah!!!

Your nurse Aunty Laura did some spring cleaning also and you graduated to a big boy bed!  You no longer need the isolette!  She even brought in a swing for her special boy because she loves you so much!  And you loved being in the swing this morning!

You had a busy morning, little Mister!  They also did your follow up renal ultrasound and we should get the results by the end of the week.

Visitors today: your two Manangs Edean and Ederin came to meet you!  They're both going to school here on Oahu and we are so proud of them!  Mng Edean is so smart and is in nursing school and she knows all about the mechanics of what you're going through and the wires and tubes you're hooked up to!

Later, Mommy met up with Uncles Moon and Adam, Aunty Eunice and the Tsukayamas for yummy Korean Yakiniku! Uncle Conan even did a cheers to you (Mommy cheersed her water, hehe!)

Rest well, beautiful big boy.  Mommy cannot wait to see you tomorrow!  Love love love you!  XOXO!

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