Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 42. 5/11/2014.

Weight: 6lbs. 12.6oz.

Plan for the day: Nipple/BF to Eat, Rest, and Grow.

Happy Six Weeks, Maverick Yukio Moon Garcia!  You are a big boy and every day and every week that goes by brings us that much closer to your due date (May 25th) and that much closer to being home.

And Happy Mother's Day to Mommy!  We woke up this morning and Aunty Alison got these beautiful pink roses:

She cooked us a delicious breakfast with Bacon and Eggs and Homemade French Toast:

We got to FaceTime with Lola and Graham.  They were going to hop on a plane and surprise us so we could all be together on this special day, but they're both sick and not feeling well so it's best they stay home so we don't get sick too. It was the sweetest gesture and as much as we would've loved to be together, you and I both need to be healthy and well so we can split this taco stand lol!

Then we came to spend this special Sunday with you, My Love!

And here we are after you nursed... you love cuddling with Mommy and Daddy:

Look at all your thick black hair! Lol!  I know I keep saying it, but you are our beautiful and precious baby boy and you remind us so much of your big brother Graham!  Your Daddy and I are the absolute luckiest!!!!!!!!

Later in the evening, Daddy and I met Aunty Alison at a very ritzy hotel, The Kahala Hotel and Resort.  Look at the beautiful view!  We sure are lucky we live in Hawaii!

And here's a Mommy and Daddy selfie, hehe!

We ate like kings and enjoyed an amazing Mother's Day buffet dinner!  It was such a fabulous treat and the best buffet we've ever been to!

Aunty Alison takes such good care of us and makes us feel so special!  We ended the evening watching the dolphins swim and play in the waters surrounding the hotel.  It was amazing.

Maverick, you and Graham are the best things that have happened in my life.  I love being your Mommy and am grateful every single day for my precious baby boys.  Love you forever!  XOXO

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