Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 39. 5/8/14.

Weight: 6lbs. 12.6oz.

Plan for the day: Nipple every other feeding, rest and grow!

Every day is a blessing, Maverick.  After 38 days here, I still can't wait to get up every morning because I know I get to spend the day with you and we're both one day closer to going home and being with your Big Brother Graham.

Today you gained two ounces!  You're surely on your way to becoming a seven pounder!  That's quite remarkable given your early start at eight weeks premature and you've been here a little over a month!  The nurses all say it too!  You are the same size as Graham when he was born and gosh, you look just like him!

We also got good news and you get to nipple every other feeding!

My internship here at the NICU is paying off lol!  Today, during your afternoon hands-on, I changed your diaper, applied paste to your bottom, weighed your diaper, took your temperature, switched your foot cuff and sensor, took your blood pressure and even took your milk out of the warmer! Nurse Aunty Linda said I've been here too long and she's going to give me her badge and another baby to take care of!  Hahahaha!

Good night, Little Love!  Daddy's flying in tomorrow night!  Yippeeee!  XOXO

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