Saturday, May 10, 2014

Your Baby Condo.

The cutting edge incubator that you lived in for 37 days here at the NICU was a Giraffe OmniBed, but depending on who your nurse was, your incubator was called different things.  They're mostly terms of endearment that make Daddy and Mommy giggle.

A few of our favorite terms for your isolette were baby condo, spaceship, and when you had jaundice, they referred to it as your tanning bed.

It looks like an overwhelming amount of wires and cords, but it's amazing how this whole system functions.  Daddy and I have learned so much being here with you everyday and often joke about now being doctors or nurses ourselves, LOL.

On your 38th day here, you graduated to a "big boy bed" which is the same rolling beds the hospital uses for term babies and in the Labor and Delivery unit.  Another NICU family whose baby "graduated" from this unit were kind enough to donate the swing pictured below!  What a sweet gesture so future NICU babies can enjoy it!

You're being well cared for here at Kaiser's NICU, Maverick.  And you rest well in your new bed!  From here, your next bed will be your crib at home!  XOXO!

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