Thursday, May 15, 2014

Day 46. 5/15/2014.

Weight: 7lbs. 2.9oz.

Plan for the day: Hang out with Mommy!

Here you are - sleeping like an angel.  I remember a few days ago (or maybe weeks, who knows), Nurse Aunty Laura said you can tell what a baby's demeanor will be from the very beginning.  And I thought about how your big brother Graham was as a baby and his demeanor hasn't really changed since.  She commented how calm and content you are.  That you're observant and such a good baby boy... The Best, I'd say!

That green crocheted hat is from your neighbors down the hall - the twins' aunt.  She was a nice sweet lady that came by and said she'd make one for you.  There are a lot of people like that in this world - those that will do thoughtful things for you out of the kindness of their heart.  We appreciate all of our blessings, big and small.

We ran through our usual daily routine - morning cuddles, spoke with Dr. M. after morning rounds about our plan for the day, nursed, fed, napped, lunch for Mommy, then appointments with lactation.

You're doing marvelous, son!  Daddy comes back tomorrow so we can kick off this weekend's celebrations!  Good night and rest well!  Love you forever!  XOXO!

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