Plan for the day: Eat, rest and grow.
Sometimes, when Mommy is driving to the hospital alone in the morning, it feels like Groundhog Day, where the days feel exactly the same and I can't distinguish them apart. But as soon as I get to your room and see you, that feeling instantly vanishes and I can recall every single minute I've spent with you and every single moment we've been together here in the NICU.
Oh my beautiful baby boy. You're growing so well and are almost an eight pounder! My goodness! And don't you just look like a carbon copy of your Daddy!
Today was Immunization Day. At sixty days, all newborns are given vaccinations and you took it like a champ!
We are on an unofficial countdown, meaning, we wait it out until your Doctors say you can go home. It's sort of like a holding pattern, if you will.
Well, that just gives us more time to take selfies in the NICU lol. Your hair is getting so long, you have wing tips.
We had a great long day together, Mav, and as I lay here typing this, I can't wait to close my eyes and fall asleep because as soon as I do, I'll be that much closer to waking up again and spending the day with you... And one day closer to being with Daddy, Graham, and Papa and Lola. Good night my love! XOXO.
U guys are so close Dee!!! I can just feel it! Almost there!!! Go Garcias Go!!!! Xoxo