Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 54. 5/23/14.

Weight: 7lbs. 7.4oz.

Plan for the day: Eat, rest, and grow.

When Mommy came to see you bright and early this morning, you had wiggled yourself all the way to the bottom of your big boy bed.

And here you are after we nursed, like, "Yeahhhhh, Ma!"

We cuddled all day and as I held you in my arms and rocked you back and forth, I couldn't help but reflect on the past almost eight weeks here.

Sometimes, I still think it's a foggy dream we're living.  Like, has it been that long?  Reality sets in because I have forgotten what it feels like to lay my head down on my pillow at home.  I've forgotten the state of how I left our bedroom.  I don't know what's in our fridge anymore.  I've forgotten what our freshly washed laundry smells like.  I miss the sound of Graham's feet pattering back and forth as he runs around upstairs from one room to the other.  I miss Lola's cooking.  I miss Home.

And sometimes it feels like I blinked and it all happened so quickly and I replay the highlights in my head as they flash by.

You've been taking your feedings well.  You still have minor episodes here and there, but they're becoming fewer and far between.  Dr. B. said we'll see where you are after the weekend.  We're getting close, Maverick!  We're almost there...

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