Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 52. 5/21/2014.

Weight: 7lbs. 6.3oz.

Plan for the day: Nurse, Rest, and Grow! (and hang out with Mommy!)

Well, Good Morning My Love!!!  Baby yawns are the jam! 

Today would have been your scheduled birth date - if Mommy carried you to term, we would have had a scheduled cesarean section on the Wednesday after 39 weeks (today).  But, lucky for us, you arrived eight weeks early and I got to hold you in my arms and love on you that much sooner.

This morning, you were going to show them how it's done and you took your whole feeding at the breast.  The. Whole. Thing!!!!  You are definitely a big boy now and make Mommy so so proud!  Nurse Aunty Laura and I cried and cheered you on again because she beat your last record of 51mLs with 61!  And Nurse Aunty Robyn came by because good news spreads fast around here and she hugged Mommy and cheered for you too!  I told you - we celebrate every day!

It was a long and exhausting day, but another good day down in the books!  Get some rest so we can do this all over again tomorrow!  I can't wait!  XOXO!

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